Application Development

We work collaboratively with client teams and product development groups to build digital capabilities across various corporate functions spanning the cloud to the emerging edge, using various service models.

Full Stack , UI/UX , RDBMS & NoSQL DBs

FDC provides proficient software engineering to the full spectrum of technologies from simple static front- end prototyping to the high-performing back-end services leveraging the latest technology space. We provides what Modern businesses are exactly looking for, a pool of efficient and effective full stack developers, designers and analysts with extensive knowledge of current tools and technologies that provide customizable, scalable, and reliable solutions.

As your Technology Partner, FDC helps you create software solutions, be it websites, web applications or mobile applications, that are fluid and flawless. We apply the user centered and data first methodology which benefits to understand customer desires and craft effortless solutions that render a better ROI for your business by establishing a greater brand value in the market.

Full Stack , UI/UX , RDBMS & NoSQL DBs

ERP Cloud

ERP Cloud

While every organization operating today is different , they all face a common challenge— in order to adequately compete in today’s business environment, they need access to technology that helps them innovate, scale, and grow instantly.

FDC provides advanced, globally-connected, and continuously updated software tools and systems that permit them to focus more of their time and energy on implementing growth initiatives and less on day-to-day IT management. FDC offers tools and a validated methodology to unlock the valuable data stored within ERP systems to enhance revenue, reduce costs, increase efficiency and make strategic decisions.

Helping our customers gain a competitive advantage by streamlining, organising and optimising your operational processes that include procurement and logistics execution, product development and manufacturing, and sales and services. With a smoother day to day operations, you can maximise your profitability, optimise resource utilisation and reduce the budget, enabling you to invest more in creativity and innovation.


Replace your outdated systems with modern and streamlined contact management, detailed reporting and personalized emails for amplified sales. A efficient CRM project requires customer-facing processes to be considered across the enterprise. These capabilities include the people, processes and technologies required to deliver the customer relationship strategy.

FDC provides a reliable CRM solution, with an experienced team qualified to offer you customized business enterprise level solutions that aligns with your goals. Organizations can lift the effectiveness of their customer initiatives with the aid of these best-practice customer experience processes and methodologies.


Supply Chain

Supply Chain

A Smart supply chain solution which is built for today stays ready to face the future challenges of market disruptions. To build resilience and mitigate disruption to supply chain solutions customers have to make the right choice of vendor. FDD provides efficient supply chain planning and efficient processes to reduce operational silos, mitigate risk and maintain business continuity

Minimize the complexity of your supplier onboarding and collaboration by reducing the time, cost and risk associated with qualifying, validating and managing new suppliers faster even during times of crisis. Efficient Order management solutions and intelligent end to end supply chain visibility to get real time intelligence and actionable suggestions to reduce mitigation time.

Our value-added services like Demand forecasting use statistical data, relevant business information, and historical sales to improve accuracy, alignment, and accountability for efficient supply chain operations. Our predictive product enables customer foresee future market challenges and avoid having to change your strategy because of market shifts or stock-outs & overstocks. Thereby customers can count on long-term product demand predictions.

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